ShareKit refactored as Xcode subproject

ShareKit is a popular iOS framework, which can easily enable your app to share content on various social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, … etc. Some time ago I implemented in our app, and realised, that it is far from perfect. Now things have changed, ShareKit is more matured and a lot of people are submitting pull requests – ShareKit is much more usable and stable than it was few months ago. I am proud to announce, that it has been refactored to be used as Xcode subproject, using a static library. In case you have never heard about Xcode subproject, you can learn about it here, or here.

After you download ShareKit files using git, and add it to your Xcode project as subproject you gain the ability to seamlessly upgrade. Basically you only pull changes from shareKit”s origin repo and run your app. Everything is running, even if we added new sharers, or added/removed files. Prior to this change you had to manually add new files to your project and many of you were probably not aware of new sharers added to ShareKit. I hope this change will make using and updating ShareKit much, much easier.

, Студия Topodin, Создание сайта для турфирмы Сегодня Интернет является одним из самых простых и популярных способов прямого взаимодействия фирмы и клиента